10 Most Dangerous Roads in Africa

Africa’s vast and varied landscapes are traversed by an extensive network of roads, some of which are perilous to travel.

Factors such as poor road conditions, challenging terrains, high traffic volumes, and insufficient safety measures contribute to the dangers.

In this article, I’ll ten of the most dangerous roads in Africa, where travelers must exercise extreme caution.

An Infographic Showing 10 Most Dangerous Roads in Africa
Learn about the top 10 most dangerous roads in Africa and how people manage to travel them/Image Credit: www.mostdangerous.org

10 Most Dangerous Roads in Africa

1. Nairobi-Nakuru Highway, Kenya

The Nairobi-Nakuru Highway, also known as A104, connects Nairobi, Kenya’s capital, with Nakuru, a major city in the Rift Valley.

This highway is notorious for its high accident rates, with reports indicating that it accounts for over 300 fatalities annually.

Heavy traffic, reckless driving, and frequent overtaking make this road especially dangerous.

Sharp bends and poor visibility during the rainy season further exacerbate the risks.

Defensive driving, obeying speed limits, and avoiding overtaking on blind spots are crucial for safety on this highway.

2. N2 Highway, South Africa

The N2 Highway stretches from Cape Town to Durban and is one of South Africa’s major roads, but also one of the most hazardous.

High traffic volumes, especially from large trucks, contribute to frequent accidents.

Statistics show that sections of this highway, particularly near KwaZulu-Natal, see a significant number of fatalities each year.

The “Hell’s Gate” section is particularly treacherous due to its narrow lanes and sharp curves.

Maintaining a safe following distance, being vigilant of other drivers, and avoiding nighttime driving are essential precautions.

3. Trans-Sahara Highway, Algeria-Niger-Nigeria

The Trans-Sahara Highway, spanning from North Africa to West Africa, traverses the Sahara Desert and covers over 4,500 kilometers.

Extreme temperatures, shifting sands, and long stretches without services make this road particularly dangerous.

Travelers also face risks from banditry and political instability in some regions.

Travel advisories often recommend avoiding this route due to its hazards.

Those who must travel it should do so in convoys, carry ample supplies, and ensure their vehicles are in top condition.

4. Cairo-Cape Town Highway

Spanning the length of Africa from Egypt to South Africa, the Cairo-Cape Town Highway covers approximately 10,228 kilometers.

This ambitious route crosses diverse and often treacherous terrains, including conflict zones, deserts, and areas with poor infrastructure.

The road’s challenges are compounded by political instability and crime in various regions.

Travelers should plan their route carefully, stay informed about local conditions, and avoid traveling alone to mitigate risks.

5. RN5, Madagascar

The RN5 road runs along the eastern coast of Madagascar, connecting Toamasina and Maroantsetra.

This road is notorious for its poor condition, with large potholes, narrow sections, and dilapidated bridges.

During the rainy season, parts of the road can become impassable, adding to the danger.

Reports indicate that accidents on RN5 often result in severe injuries and fatalities.

Using a 4×4 vehicle, traveling during daylight, and checking weather conditions before setting out are advisable precautions.

6. Lagos-Ibadan Expressway, Nigeria

The Lagos-Ibadan Expressway is one of Nigeria’s busiest highways, connecting Lagos, the economic hub, to Ibadan, the third most populous city.

The road is notorious for its high accident rates, with reports indicating over 1,000 accidents annually.

High traffic density, frequent accidents, and incidents of armed robbery make this road particularly dangerous.

Travelers should avoid night travel, stay in well-lit and populated areas, and remain alert for sudden stops by other vehicles.

7. The Road of Death, Morocco

The Tizi n’Tichka pass, also known as the “Road of Death,” winds through the High Atlas Mountains, connecting Marrakesh and Ouarzazate.

Steep cliffs, narrow lanes, sharp turns, and unpredictable weather conditions make this a perilous route.

The lack of guardrails in many sections adds to the danger.

Statistics show a significant number of accidents, often fatal, occur on this road annually.

Driving slowly, using a reliable vehicle, and avoiding travel during bad weather are essential for safety.

8. RN7, Madagascar

Another dangerous road in Madagascar, the RN7 runs from the capital Antananarivo to Toliara in the south.

The road is known for its sharp bends, steep inclines, and frequent landslides. Poor maintenance and unpredictable weather add to the hazards.

Reports indicate that RN7 has a high accident rate, particularly during the rainy season.

Driving cautiously, especially on sharp bends, and being prepared for sudden road closures due to landslides are crucial precautions.

9. Mombasa-Nairobi Road, Kenya

The A109 road linking Mombasa to Nairobi is a crucial trade route but also one of the most hazardous in Kenya.

Heavy truck traffic, speeding, and poor road conditions contribute to frequent and often fatal accidents.

Statistics reveal that this road is responsible for a significant portion of road traffic deaths in Kenya each year.

Being patient with slow-moving trucks, avoiding overtaking in unsafe areas, and being extra cautious at night are essential for safety.

10. The Skeleton Coast, Namibia

The Skeleton Coast road runs through one of the most desolate and eerie landscapes in Namibia, known for its treacherous conditions.

Harsh desert environment, shifting sands, and isolation make this road dangerous.

Breakdowns can be life-threatening due to the lack of nearby help and extreme temperatures.

Reports indicate several fatal incidents involving stranded travelers.

Traveling with a reliable guide, carrying extra supplies, and ensuring your vehicle is equipped for desert conditions are vital precautions.


Traveling through Africa’s diverse and beautiful landscapes can be an incredible experience, but it’s essential to be aware of the risks posed by some of the continent’s most dangerous roads.

Proper preparation, vigilance, and respect for local conditions are crucial to ensuring a safe journey.

Always plan ahead, know the dangers, and take necessary precautions to navigate these treacherous routes safely.


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